The EXVOTO FOUNDATION is a non-governmental, non-profitable, voluntary organization registered under the Indian Society Registration Act 1973.The Society was established on 05th January 2011.The academy consist of likeminded group of people who are dedicated for the advancement of human welfare of the disadvantage sector of the people to initiate various socio-economic, vocational, educational, health, environment activities. It seeks to the problems that emerge in the community. The academy provides technical and non-technical knowhow support to the women and youth to bring out the hidden talent and skill for their improvements. Our organization is very keen on disadvantage sector of the people and is working for the betterment of their socio-economic condition and school status of the society. Organization is making all the development and collective efforts that are innovative and significant for advancement in its field of interest.

        The society being a non-political, non-profit making organization serving the people irrespective of caste, color and creed helps the people to sustain on their own legs and become self reliant. The organization has been actively engaged in dealing with social issues such as poverty alleviation, community health, environment progression, employment generation, population control, vocational Training, formal and non-formal education, youth, women and child development, welfare of SC, ST, OBC, Minority, and BPL. One of its main objectives is to create awareness among the people on social issues, mobilize them for social action and motivate them to work together for social development.

        Since women constitute the most deprived and exploited section of our society and require special attention for its rehabilitation, the organization gives importance to programmes related with women empowerment with the objective to impart training to women from all sections and make them self dependent.


To Provide professional training to women and men and make them self reliant and connect with the mainstream of society.
To organize, establish and conduct project and programmes for economic, social, educational, community development and other such projects and programmes as are specially oriented towards the needs of the rural and urban poor and other weaker and valuable sections of the society.
To provide training opportunity to community workers. Organize relief and rehabilitation programmes and projects in the time of natural calamities and other emergencies.
To spread religious and cultural activities among the masses through publication and management of academic, educational, vocational and technical institutions.
Construction and management of academic, educational, vocational and technical institutions.
Arranging food, clothing and shelter for poor persons in the society.
To backup activities in the field of development action with study, research, analysis, documentation and dissemination of such knowledge and information and to edit, print, publish and exhibit magazines, books, project reports, news letters, and articles, research papers, pamphlets and like educational material and communication aids.
To organize conferences, seminars, symposiums, training workshops and cultural activities.
To encourage and provide opportunities and incentives for community service oriented youth specially or any other committed persons with a view to build up a cadre of workers for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the society.
To employ and train persons for the effective implementation of the project and programmes of the society and to give salaries, wages, stipends and honorarium.
To develop better coordination, collaboration, joint participation, relations and understandings amongst various constituents of the rural sector for promoting welfare of the rural masses by eradicating thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease, poverty and by providing shelter and employment.
To act as a channelizing, monitoring and mentoring platform for effectively implementing programmes.
To take action against environment pollution and amassing the power of nature.
(m) To provide and arrange need based training to rural folk, men and women to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skill to become socio-economically self reliant.

  The constitution of The Exvoto Foundation envisages an all encompassing scope of work for the social, economic, moral, cultural, educational, environmental and health related development of the society in general and for its disadvantaged and deprived sections in the particular. We work to end the alienation of these people and to bring them into the mainstream developmental process.